Alwin Arrasyid is a software engineer, public speaker and trainer around internet of things topic, also an enthusiast of technology in general. Alwin has spoken in various IoT-related events such as Road to Republic of IoT, Republic of IoT, Republic of IoT Strikes Back! and another big events such as Global Azure Bootcamp, Python Conference ID 2017 at Surabaya representing DycodeX as the gold sponsor of the event. Alwin is currently working as Lead Software Engineer at DycodeX, an IoT solutions and maker movement enabler company.
Alwin is experienced in building software for IoT things using C and C++ on ESP32-based products as well as building back-end services for IoT and mobile applications using Node.js on various cloud service provider such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, and IBM Bluemix. Apart from that, Alwin is also familiar with another popular programming languages like Python and Golang.
When Alwin is off from duty he often read fiction, science & technology articles and books. He also loves listening to music especially classical music and progressive rock/metal music.